Pure Magic!
Hello Gorgeous Friends! As the second phase of the Gypsy Tour comes to an end I am reminded of the miracles and magic of the universe. Fairies, pixie dust, and unicorns have nothing on the magic of the summer and the amazing women who are doing big things in this world. Retreat California was pure magic! We experienced deep connection, breakthroughs, a lot of laughter, some tears, and a really good time. Belly dancing was an experience that I never knew would bring me so much joy! Fiona Rose is the leader of the Love Your Body Movement and you can join her online or join her on Facebook in the Love Your Body Fitness Lounge. She offers so much amazing support, and encouragement!
So far this summer, beginning with the 7 day cleanse with Fiona, I have lost 15lbs. I am feeling like a true Sassy CEO! Not only is this summer all about swimming in Lake Shasta, the Root Chakra of the world, I’m also belly dancing now too. (I even have jingles!)
Mt. Shasta, California is the Root (1st) Chakra of the world. This is the raw biological life force energy. Balancing the root chakra creates a solid foundation for a life of stability filled with Joy. It is no wonder it feels SOOOO good to be here! The root chakra, also the first chakra is located at the base of a spine on a person. It is the root of your being and establishes the deepest connections with your physical body, your environment and the Earth. This is the most instinctual of all chakras, it is your survival center. When we have a solid foundation, and joy, we can be open and secure in all other areas of our life. If you haven't ever experienced Mt. Shasta or Shasta Lake, then jump on board the Gypsy Tour and experience this root chakra location!
With symbolism being a big part of my everyday life I am always aware and in awe at the symbolic gifts the universe offers. On the way to the retreat I punched in the address and it showed I had 555 miles. The number five was showing up EVERYWHERE, and then I get a triple 5 message! I knew this was a message from the Angels. The Angel message of 555 is a powerful number, it carries the strong vibrations of making decisions and choices, life changes and new opportunities, adventure, and curiosity. This angel number tells of significant and necessary changes happening in your life that have been divinely inspired and guided. (I believe the retreat was divinely inspired and definitely guided by the divine) These changes that the number 5 have in store will bring about long awaited circumstances and results and will fully align you with your true Divine life purpose and soul mission. I know that with the heart and intention I put into this retreat this message was confirmation that I am fulfilling my purpose and my soul mission. With that being said, be on the look out for the next one because the healing, connection, and breakthrough that was experienced at this retreat was magical and is awaiting you at the next one!
The second symbolistic experience that showed up for all of us was the Rabbit. Literally we had our own Rabbit guide at the retreat. Showing up as a friendly face, with lovely intuitive energy telling us our instincts are innate and to nurture them and continue our development. This real live rabbit was even guiding people to their perfect parking spot! The Rabbit embodies intuition, transformation, adaptability and knowledge. Rabbit also symbolizes inspiration! (SO perfect for the retreat and all we are experiencing!) The Rabbit energy indicates a leap of faith, or coincidence. Serendipity working in your favor, with confirmation that your intuition and feelings are accurate. All of this Rabbit energy is indicative symbolism of the retreat and everybody there! Thank you Rabbit for your love, message, and energy!
As these symbols showed up for all of us at the retreat they are also showing up for you now as you read this. Where in your life does this symbolism feel good? What does it say for you? Isn't it such a blessing to have these messages and confirmations in life? It is truly magical.
The Gypsy Tour continues to allow the journey of adventure and opportunity of exploring and being open to all that awaits. The next stop is Bakersfield, California for Basic DNA ThetaHealing workshop with some of the industries best Doulas, homeopathy experts and busy Mommies making a difference in the health and lives of their families. The group conscious of this workshop is already incredible and high vibrational. If you are interested in joining us drop me a line! This workshop is July 24th-26th. The location is open and available for you to stay instead of getting a hotel to save you driving time, energy, and unnecessary expense! I'll see you there!
I would like to end with sharing this message that was sent to me in a text message after the retreat, by our very own brilliant Love Your Body Movement Leader, Fiona Rose. “You are joy, looking for a way to express. It’s not just that your purpose is joy, it is that you are joy. You are love and joy and freedom and clarity expressing. Energy-frolicking and eager, that’s who you are. And so, if you’re always reaching for alignment with that, you’re always on your path, and your path will take you into all kinds of places. We will not deny that you will not discover miracles and create benefits and be involved in creation, and that you will not uplift humanity-we will not say that you will not find satisfaction in so many things that you create, but we can’t get away from the acknowledgment that you are Pure Positive Energy that translates into the human emotion of joy.” -Abraham. So I wanted to share that message with you as you read this blog. To pass the message along, and to inspire you and uplift you.
I send so much love, light, and grace to you with gratitude for you, and your time as you read this. May you be blessed and inspired from reading this, and if you desire to talk please drop me a line and say Hello!
Christi (Your Hippy Gypsy Traveling Queen)
Join me on The Gypsy Tour, next stop Bakersfield, California July 24th.
P.S. Let's meet up for a picnic to celebrate life, a healing session, or a Sassy Biz Jam session along my route. Leave a comment and let's connect!
All of the fun, crazy, vulnerable moments along the way will be documented and I will be sharing with you in this blog entries from my Gypsy Tour Diary, news on events, and all the adventure there is to be had, will be shared with you. This Tour is about bringing awareness to Survivors of childhood trauma, and domestic abuse. I will be speaking on this topic in each city, and at the retreats. If you are interested in healing your trauma and becoming a Sassy Six Figure CEO, leave me a comment and let's talk, I can help!
Sassy CEO's Gypsy Tour began on June 10th, we are rollin with all that FEELS good. We will keep you posted on the travels, journey, and all things Hippy Gypsy Chic. There will be stops along the way to meet up with Sassy CEO's from across the nation, workshops, healing, and teaching! Join us!
If you are interested in hosting a workshop in your city email us at christikendall38@gmail.com. Workshops available are Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Soul Mate, and Tapping for Miracles: The Christi Method.
Join us in The Diamond Lounge for Sassy CEO Networking, where personality and style meets sales, and ladies rock it as Sassy CEO's!
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