The world is changing, kindness is IN, love is IN, connection is IN, and awareness is abundant. As Soulful and Heart centered business owners we are paving a path that is leading to a brighter future. As Sassy CEO's I believe it is our honor and our job to create space where people feel honored, supported, encouraged, and loved. We have the ability to reach people, teach people, and make a difference for many people. One of the women I watched and listened to growing up was Maya Angelou, I hold her near and dear to my heart, and as she says, "Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud." It is an easy thing to do!
So how do we “be a rainbow in someone’s cloud”? Because there is an awakening happening, an awareness, people are vibrating higher, and leaning in to the experiences that just feel good. So in our heart centered business we must create a space that feels good. I have found, in having coached and mentored hundreds of women, that one of the missing elements in sales is acknowledgment. We learn to “compliment” people, or to schmooze people, and nowadays that just feels gross. The difference between acknowledgment and a compliment is that in order to truly acknowledge someone you have to first FEEL them, SEE then, and once the connection is there you can acknowledge them for something you see or feel, or some part of them that you genuinely and truly appreciate. This FEELS GOOD! A compliment feels more surface oriented and without depth. And as Maya Angelou says, “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” I agree with her!
If you think back to sales experiences you have had what do you remember? The guy knocking on your door, with overzealous energy that you weren’t prepared for, or the car salesman that made you feel sick to your stomach. Or do you remember the lady at the department store who went out of her way to help you, spent some extra time with you and told you something that made you feel better about yourself? Both of these are memorable, because they made you feel a certain way. The idea as business owners, is to create a space where your client feels honored, and supported, and safe, so that a connection takes place and you can both discover the path in front of you, which ultimately leads to a sale.
I encourage you to make a conscious choice to practice acknowledgement this entire week. Watch the interaction that takes place, and take note on how it makes you feel. Try it with clients, your kids, spouse, potential clients, the guy that checks your groceries, everybody you come into contact with. People are so much in a hurry often that they miss opportunities to connect with people, so take that extra moment to connect, and acknowledge. Your life will feel so much richer, luxurious and delightful! Those moments that feel so good are the treasures of life! This is creating true Money Magic for your business!
As a sassy, free thinker, coach, and teacher Christi Kendall is the creator and founder of as well as the popular programs Money Magic: Your Passion Ignited, and Sassy Gal: Goals and Glambition!
As a sassy, free thinker, coach, and teacher Christi Kendall is the creator and founder of as well as the popular programs Money Magic: Your Passion Ignited, and Sassy Gal: Goals and Glambition!
Having gone from welfare to a six figure career she is passionate about teaching Soulful and Heart centered women how to live luxuriously through business success!
While working with clients from all over the world Christi travels to exotic and glamorous locations. The most honoring part of being a Sassy CEO is traveling with her daughter, because it's all about work, play, and family. Christi shares her money magic formula with you so that you can rock it like a Sassy CEO, as you create six figures in your own business!
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