I love reflecting on the symbolism that appears in our lives, those little messages from the universe that show up to speak to us. Dragonflies and lady bugs have been showing up everywhere, dancing and flighting about, showing us, telling us, little quiet messages. The Dragonfly shows up to ask you to pay attention to your deep desires while being mindful of the outcome you wish for. The lessons to be learned and the reminder that your thoughts create your reality. Dragonfly tells us to LIVE, live life to the fullest with all the blessings you have now. To seek out and be aware the habits you have that need changing, and they guide you through mists of illusion to the pathway of transformation. Dragonfly brings you to the light and vision of transformation in your life. This is the perfect message for the summer and the intentions I have set forth. What does dragonfly symbol represent to you in your life? It is a symbol for you right now, as you are reading this, symbolism shows up everywhere!
The mantra that I love most is "magic is happening, magic is happening now", because I can feel my heart open to the miracles and blessings that are here for me, and this summer and all the universal messages
showing up are confirmation of the magic we all have in our lives. Open your heart, connect to your joy, and be aware of the magic that is all around you! I wish for you a magical summer, full of joy, laughter, adventure, and love!
What are you doing this summer to live, connect, experience luxury and adventure? Share with us your definition of Luxury! I would love to hear your adventure, support you in your journey, and just stop and say hi!
Your Hippy Gypsy Traveling Queen!
Join me on my Gypsy Tour, next stop Oxnard California June 26th, 27th, and 28th.
P.S. I would love to meet up for cocktails, a picnic to celebrate life, a healing session, or a sassy biz jam session along my route. Leave a comment and lets connect!
All of the fun, crazy, vulnerable moments along the way will be documented and I will be sharing with you entries from my Gypsy Tour Diary, news on the retreat, and all the adventure there is to be had, will be shared with you. This Tour is about bringing awareness to Survivors of Childhood Trauma, Domestic Violence, and Sex Abuse. I will be speaking on such a topic in each city, and at both of the retreats. If you are interested in healing your trauma and becoming a Sassy Six Figure CEO, leave me a comment and let's talk, I can help!
The Sassy CEO’s Gypsy Tour began on June 10th, we are just going with what feels good, and the first stop is Redding California, then on to Oxnard California for Retreat California. We will keep you posted on our travels and journey as Hippy Gypsy Traveling Queens. There will be stops along the way to meet up with Sassy CEO’s from across the nation, workshops, healing and teaching! I will keep you posted.
If you are interested in hosting a workshop in your city email me at christikendall38@gmail.com. Workshops available are Basic DNA, Advanced DNA, Soul Mate, and Tapping For Miracles: The Christi Method.
Visit www.Loveisin.pink for information about Retreat California!
Join us in The Diamond Lounge for Sassy CEO Networking where personality and style meets sales, and ladies go from ho-hum to rockin' it Sassy CEO's.